Mustard seeds have their origin in North Africa, West Asia, and Mediterranean Europe. It is grown and cultivated globally including India. DSF Mustard Seeds Big (Sarson) Whole is available in two different quantities, 100 and 500-gram respectively. Mustard seeds (Sarson) have a pungent and tangy taste. The scientific name of Sarson or yellow mustard seeds is Brassica Hirla and Brassica Alba.
DSF Mustard Seeds (Sarson) is collected from organic farms which are maintained with ethical values. Our Mustard seeds (Sarson) look round, hard, and lighter in flavour. They have natural preservative properties in it. Our mustard seeds can be used to intensify the flavour of pickles, sauces, curries, salad, mustard sauce, and more. It is an important staple in South Asian and European cuisines. Mustard seeds are rich in iron, selenium, calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B1, and C. We embed our mustard seeds (sarson) with their medicinal benefits during the packing. Because we are keen in delivering our spices in its premium-quality. It remains fresh in your pantry for a designated period. You can choose any type of packaging from the below-mentioned varieties based on your convenience.
Pet jars
Mono boxes
Pillow pouches
Zip locks
Standing pouches
Customized celebration packs
About this item:
No artificial colors and preservatives.
Hygienically packed
Consistency in quality across the year
100% vegetarian